A Community of Faith, Joy & Love

Come as you are and be part of our family.

DRCC Sunday Morning Worship Service is live streamed at 10:00am!

Sunday Mornings, 10:00am – 11:00am

We welcome you to join us for worship and special services, whether in-person or live-streamed!

Livestream Archived Videos

Cornerstone Fellowship Campaign for Deep River Congregational Church!

In 2024 and into 2025, Deep River Congregational Church has needed full roof replacement, structural repairs, and maintenance of the church, bell tower, sanctuary and parsonage. The total cost is more than $200,000. We launched a Cornerstone Fellowship campaign to cover expenses and avoid long-term interest payments. Can you help? 

upcoming events

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Worship, Special Services, Youth & Learning

We welcome you to join us for worship and special services, whether in-person or live-streamed!

Sunday Services

News, weekly message, Communion & Sunday bulletin.

Youth & Learning

Learning experiences for all ages to discover faith in everyday life.

Special Services

Weddings, baptisms, funerals, and more provided year-round.


Our church choir & bell ringers add joy to our worship!

about us

We are a church family who loves serving our Shoreline community.

Our church family lives in many towns throughout Connecticut, yet Deep River is our church home.

About Us Community

How you can help

Be involved by making a donation or volunteering.

Time and money are gifts that allow DRCC to thrive and stay strong. Both provide positive change, nurture faith, and allow us to perform God’s work today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.

Donate Today

There are many ways to support our church now and in the future. Online giving makes it easy.


Share your time and talent! Opportunities range from “single event” to committee membership.