Event Series Faith Explorers

Faith Explorers & TEAM

Join us each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. After the Youth Message, we will leave together for our classes. Spread the good word about our Christian Education program! It is open to all in the community, so bring your friends and neighbors! Be sure to join the fun and participate in all [...]

Mardi Gras Celebration

MARDI GRAS - LET'S CELEBRATE! Join us Sunday, March 2 to celebrate Mardi Gras! During our special coffee hour enjoy: · Live southern jazz music · Shrove Pancakes · Pancake Games · Masks/beads for all and more! Be sure to join the fun on March 2! Feel free to dress for the occasion!

Event Series Youth Bible Classes

Youth Bible Classes

Our Sunday School will be offering Youth Bible Classes for those in the 3rd through 8th grade during the Season of Lent. These classes will be held Sunday mornings at 9:00 am (in the Pop Euston Room, next to Sybil's office), until 9:45. As a group we will then go into the Sanctuary for the [...]