Sunday School Food Challenge

Start collecting food for the Annual Sunday School Food Challenge on Sunday, November 3 led by the Sunday School! On the first Sunday of every month, our congregation collects non-perishable items to donate to the local food pantry. Our challenge to the children and youth of the church in November is to bring in more [...]

Bring a Friend to Church

Everyone is invited to Bring a Friend to Church on Sunday, November 3. Share our wonderful church with your friends, neighbors and relatives. Show them our beautiful Sanctuary and inspire them with Pastor Tim's and Pastor Cheryl’s inspirational sermons. The children can join the excitement in our Sunday School! Let’s challenge ourselves to lead at [...]

Event Series Faith Explorers

Faith Explorers & TEAM

Join us each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. After the Youth Message, we will leave together for our classes. Spread the good word about our Christian Education program! It is open to all in the community, so bring your friends and neighbors! Be sure to join the fun and participate in all [...]

Chowder Challenge

TEAMS NOW FORMING Come one, come all to the 9th Annual Chowder Challenge on November 3 following the 10:00 worship service. The “Surf or Turf Chowder Challenge” will consist of 12 teams vying for bragging rights; 6 teams competing in the Surf category (clam, lobster, etc.) and 6 teams in the Turf category (corn, wild [...]

Veteran’s Breakfast

VETERANS CELEBRATION Our Sunday School will be hosting our Annual Veteran's Breakfast on Sunday, November 10. All Veterans and their families are invited to a breakfast buffet at 9:00 am. Come early, before the 10:00 service, or stay after the 8:30 service and enjoy a variety of delicious food prepared by the Sunday School students! [...]

Event Series Faith Explorers

Faith Explorers & TEAM

Join us each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. After the Youth Message, we will leave together for our classes. Spread the good word about our Christian Education program! It is open to all in the community, so bring your friends and neighbors! Be sure to join the fun and participate in all [...]