Events Calendar
Upcoming community events and scheduled activities
Upcoming community events and scheduled activities
Join us each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. After the Youth Message, we will leave together for our classes. Spread the good word about our Christian Education program! It is open to all in the community, so bring your friends and neighbors! Be sure to join the fun and participate in all [...]
Upper Fellowship Hall
Join us each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. After the Youth Message, we will leave together for our classes. Spread the good word about our Christian Education program! It is open to all in the community, so bring your friends and neighbors! Be sure to join the fun and participate in all [...]
Calling all Angels, Wisemen & Shepherds! We need you for the Christmas Pageant held on Christmas Eve. All youth and children of DRCC are invited to participate and should attend the rehearsals on Sunday, December 15 @ 11:30 am and December 22 after the scenery is set up. The Christmas Pageant will be held at 5:30 pm on December 24. Contact Sybil or Amanda [...]