
Ways to Give

Time and money are gifts that allow Deep River Congregational Church to thrive and stay strong. Pledging keeps our church strong, ensuring that it will be here for us and our families through the ups and downs of life. Please consider making an annual pledge or other offering. Also consider a legacy gift or bequest in your will that will help our church remain strong for future generations.

Online Giving

Pledge Offering (Stewardship)

Pledging an annual gift supports the financial viability of the church to ensure that it remains strong for all of us. Retirees can use their Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), for their pledge, realizing tax savings.

Prayed For Offering

Prayed For offerings are unpledged gifts, which the church gratefully uses to cover general fund operating expenses.

Memorial Fund Donation

Memorial Fund donations are made to the church in memory or in honor of someone or to commemorate a special occasion. These funds provide ongoing support for the many efforts needed that allow our church to thrive, including care for church building and grounds, worship, music, and community outreach. Please identify the person(s) or occasion you are honoring in the Note section.

DRCC Mission Gifts

Mission gifts are used for expenses related to church-sponsored missions that are not part of the general fund operating budget. If you are supporting a specific mission, please identify it in the Note section.

Gifts of Stock

If you are holding shares of stock that you would like sold — with proceeds of the sale going to the Church as a cash settlement — there is a quick and easy way to do this and avoid transaction fees and possible capital gains penalties. You can designate your stock donation for use in the General Fund or as an addition to the Church endowment account, which will be used for years to come. Download Instructions for Giving Gifts of Stock to the Church

Legacy Gifts

Wills & Bequests, Estate, Gifts of Stock, IRAs, IRA Required Minimum Distributions, Life Insurance

Legacy gifts are provided by visionaries who include the church in their retirement and estate planning. Retirees can make annual gifts using a portion of their Required Minimum Distribution from their IRA, saving money on taxes. Committing or leaving a bequest to the DRCC Endowment Fund will make a difference in the life of our church community for generations to come.

Please consult with a financial planner or attorney to advise you on your legacy gift and estate plans.

Tax ID #06-6038248 (First Congregational Church of Deep River)
DRCC Treasurer: Dayle Larson,
DRCC’s Investment Committee Financial Officer at Essex Financial: Bill Tait,

Online Giving

another way to give

Time & Talent Donation

  • Usher
  • Senior choir
  • Tend the gardens
  • Small property repairs
  • Sunday school
  • Lay reader
  • Provide food for functions
  • Mission Team
  • Donate Flowers
  • And so much more!

Why Your Donation Matters

It takes the support of every member to ensure our church continues to thrive and flourish. Your donation to the Deep River Congregational Church directly supports our ministry and its mission. Donations make to our stewardship provide positive change, nurture faith, and allows us to perform God’s work today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.

Every gift makes such a difference!

Pledge Today!

Online Giving